Saturday 5 March 2011

In the beginning

I have thought about writing about my life  for some quite some time.  There just never seemed to be a 'good' time to start
We recently moved house and I though with a new start I would begin to write about my day to day experiences.
However although enthusiastic about this my service provider wasn't that helpful and it has taken a month to  have our internet connected.

So finally today I begin and what a day it has been, one of those days where you wonder why you got out of bed, and it was preceded by much of the same yesterday.                                                                                                                       
Yesterday was a beautiful day and I planned to spend most of it in the garden.  We had been and bought some seedlings to plant and had a few packets of seeds , the previous owners had made some great raised garden beds ( one of the features that drew me to the house).
However my partner ( often known as grumpy ) had decided to start pruning back a blueberry plant that was taking over a corner of the garden.
This then led to noticing one of the trees there was dead  ( and this where the day took a down turn for me )  so decided to cut it down.   I was helping cut a medium sized branch while standing on a retaining wall  ( thinking at  the time this silly) and then the branch snapped in two and i went tumbling down..Luckily escaping major injury but a nast scratch two my eyebrow and several very large bruises on my leg.  Not to mention the dent to my pride.

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